Sequence programming in C/C++ Part 1:Counter

Introduction A sequence is a series of predefined actions with clear conditions for transitioning between each other and since it is predetermined it also has a beginning and an end. Sometimes a sequence is in a loop that repeats itself and in those cases it can be hard to see where it starts and ends […]

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What is a PLC or Programmable Logic Controller?

Introduction PLC:s are a form of industrial control hardware that is very rugged in its construction. PLC:s are used to control everything from small packing machines to complete assembly lines in every imaginable industry. There is a sister category of controllers that are called RTU:s, which stands for Remote Terminal Unit. RTU:s are very similar […]

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PID demonstration RIG Part 2: Hardware

If you haven’t read PID Demonstration RIG part 1: Software I highly advise you to do so before continuing, otherwise it might be a bit hard to follow along. When building stuff like this it is really awesome to have a 3D printer If you can come up with an idea and model it in […]

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PID demonstration RIG Part 1: Software

Introduction In the PID regulator article I mentioned that I had an upcoming project utilising a PI regulator, this isn’t it, but when I was writing that article I though to myself that there must be a simple way of demonstrating visually how the different parts of a regulator effect the system as a whole. […]

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